Booking Policy

Booking Duration:
Customers can book items on Fashrevo for a maximum duration of 1 month.

Booking Rate:
The booking rate for all items is RM100.

Payment Terms:
Customers are required to make a booking payment of RM100 at the time of booking.

Payment Deadline:
Full payment must be made within the 1-month booking period.

Booking Expiry:
If the full payment is not received within the 1-month booking period, the booking will expire.

Booking Cancellation:
Bookings can be canceled within 24 hours of making the booking, and a full refund will be issued.

Booking Extension:
Booking extensions are not allowed. Customers must re-book items if they wish to extend the booking period.

Failure to Pay in Full:
If full payment is not received within the 1-month booking period, the booking will be considered canceled, and the RM100 booking fee will be non-refundable.

Refund Policy:
Refunds will only be issued for canceled bookings within the first 24 hours. No refunds will be provided for expired bookings due to failure to make full payment.

Booking Renewal:
Customers have the option to renew their booking for an additional 1-month period by making another RM100 booking payment.

Late Payments:
Late payments may result in the cancellation of the booking without a refund.

Bookings are subject to item availability.

Terms and Conditions:
Fashrevo reserves the right to modify or update the booking policy at any time.